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Some of our pages are restricted access only.

These pages contains content that is available only to certain groups. 

To access these areas please click the correct link above.

If you feel you should have access and are denied please reach out to

What's the big deal about these pages?

In some cases, it will simply pull together data from around the site. Such as pages for specific demographics will pull the downloadable material  links that would apply specifically for this group, peer to peer networking (etc) and offer a message board for members of this group to chat between each other. Most information (with the exception of the message board) is available on other area of the website. 

These pages can be used to allow access to documents that are available for members only - such as the help sheets and CanPKU+ supports provided for those applying for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC/ CIPH)

If you want access, consider membership below.

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2021 © Copyright CanPKU.ORG


260 Adelaide Street East, #180
Toronto, ON, M5A 1N1, Canada
Toll Free: 1-877-226-7581 (1-877-CANPKU1)

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